package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DBManager { private boolean isError = false; protected String m_vender=""; protected String dbId=""; private int columnCnt = 0; protected String characterSet = ""; protected Config _config = null; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DBManager.class); protected Connection t_conn; protected Connection l_conn; protected ResultSet t_rs; protected LinkedHashMap t_column ; protected List etc_column ; protected PreparedStatement t_pstmt; protected HashMap sub_conn; protected ArrayList rList = null; protected FileContent fileContent = null; protected String primaryKey = ""; protected boolean isFieldExpansion = false; protected int rowCount = 0; protected int dbVersion = 0; protected LinkedHashSet dupKey = new LinkedHashSet(); protected Map doc2serverClientMap = null; public DBManager() throws Exception { } public DBManager(Config config) throws Exception { _config = config; } public boolean isError() { return isError; } public String getColumnType(String key) { if(t_column==null) { return ""; } String type = t_column.get(key); return StringUtil.checkNull(type); } public void setDbList(HashMap dbList,String dbId) throws Exception { this.dbId = dbId; DBPool.setPool(dbList);"DB Connection Start"); t_conn = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); m_vender = DBPool.getVender(dbId);//mariadb dbVersion = StringUtil.parseInt(DBPool.getVersion(dbId),0);// if(m_vender.equals("mssql")||m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")||m_vender.equals("tibero")||m_vender.equals("postgre")) { l_conn = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); }"DB Connection ["+dbId+"] Success"); } /** * 특정 ID의 DB 접속을 풀형태로 가지고 있다 반환한다. * @param dbId * @return */ public Connection getSubConnection(String dbId) { Connection subCon = null; dbId = dbId.trim(); if(sub_conn==null) { sub_conn =new HashMap(); } if(!sub_conn.containsKey(dbId)) { try { subCon = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return null; } sub_conn.put(dbId, subCon);"DB Connection Success"+sub_conn); }else { subCon = sub_conn.get(dbId); log.debug("DB get :"+sub_conn); try { if(subCon.isClosed()) { subCon.close(); log.debug("DB Closed"); //Thread.sleep(1000); subCon = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); sub_conn.put(dbId, subCon); log.debug("New Connectio Success "+sub_conn); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return subCon; } public void init() throws Exception { fileContent = new FileContent(true); FileUtil.deleteFile(ArgsInfo.homePath+"filter"+FileUtil.fileseperator+ArgsInfo.selectid+FileUtil.fileseperator, "txt"); fileContent.setFilterRoot(ArgsInfo.homePath+"filter"+FileUtil.fileseperator+ArgsInfo.selectid+FileUtil.fileseperator); HashMap dbList = _config.getDbServer(); DBPool.setPool(dbList); doc2serverClientMap = new HashMap(); } public int getColumnCnt() { return columnCnt; } /** * db 접속함. * @throws Exception */ public void dbConnection() throws Exception{ Select select = _config.getSelect(); LinkedHashMap dbInfo= select.getDbInfo(); for ( Map.Entry entry : dbInfo.entrySet() ) { String dbtag = entry.getKey().trim(); String dbId = entry.getValue().trim(); //"DB Connection "+dbtag+"/"+dbId); if(dbtag.equals("db")) { //"DB Connection Start"); t_conn = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); m_vender = DBPool.getVender(dbId); dbVersion = StringUtil.parseInt(DBPool.getVersion(dbId),0); if(m_vender.equals("mssql")||m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")||m_vender.equals("tibero")||m_vender.equals("postgre")) { l_conn = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); }"DB Connection ["+dbId+"] Success"); }else { getSubConnection(dbId); } } } public boolean next() { boolean isBool = false; if(t_rs == null) { return false; } try { isBool =; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("[next() SQL Error Code : " +e.getErrorCode()+" ]"); log.error("[next() SQLException " +StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); isBool = false; isError = true; } return isBool; } /** * Set Target Table ResultSet * @param query SQL query string * @throws Exception Error info */ public void setResultSet(String query) throws Exception { t_rs = null; log.debug("[setResultSet]["+StringUtil.trimDuplecateSpace(query)+"]", 3); try { t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query); t_pstmt.setFetchSize(10); t_rs = t_pstmt.executeQuery(); t_column = getColumnInfo(t_rs.getMetaData()); //System.out.println("t_columnt_column"+t_column); //primaryKey = t_rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(1); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Query : "+query+"]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Error Code : "+e.getErrorCode()+" ]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQLException "+e.getMessage()+"]"); throw new Exception(": setResultSet SQL Error " +e); } } /** * result에 없는 필드의 리스트를 작성한다. * @param rInList */ public void setEtcColumn(ArrayList rInList) { etc_column = new ArrayList(); Iterator keyData = t_column.keySet().iterator(); while (keyData.hasNext()) { String key =; if(!etc_column.contains(key)) { etc_column.add(key); } } // while for(Result _result : rInList) { etc_column.remove(_result.getColumn()); } for(String columns : etc_column) { log.debug("setEtcColumn : "+ columns); } } /** * Set Target Table ResultSet * @param query SQL query string * @throws Exception Error info */ public void setResultSetPk(String query) throws Exception { t_rs = null; log.debug("[setResultSet]["+StringUtil.trimDuplecateSpace(query)+"]", 3); try { //System.out.println(t_conn); /*if(m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")) { t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); t_pstmt.setFetchSize(10); }else { //t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query); t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query); //t_pstmt.setFetchSize(10); //}*/ t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query); t_rs = t_pstmt.executeQuery(); /*try { if(m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")) { t_rs.last(); rowCount = t_rs.getRow(); t_rs.beforeFirst(); log.debug("[setResultSet][ Total Row Count : "+rowCount+"]"); } }catch(Exception ex) { }*/ t_column = getColumnInfo(t_rs.getMetaData()); //System.out.println("t_columnt_column"+t_column); Select select = _config.getSelect(); rList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList rInList = select.getResultMap().getResult(); if(select.isFieldExpansion()) { setEtcColumn(rInList); isFieldExpansion = true; } for(Result _result : rInList) { if(_result.isSql() ) { if(!_result.isMemoryKey()) { WhereArgs wArgs = StringUtil.getSqlArgs(_result.getSql(),t_column,_result.isStatement()); _result.setWargs(wArgs); } } rList.add(_result); if("y".equals(_result.getPrimary())){ primaryKey = _result.getColumn().toLowerCase(); } } String pType = t_column.get(primaryKey); t_column.put("_id", pType); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Query : "+query+"]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Error Code : "+e.getErrorCode()+" ]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQLException "+e.getMessage()+"]"); throw new Exception(": setResultSet SQL Error " +e); } } /** * Set Target Table ResultSet * @param query SQL query string * @throws Exception Error info */ public void setResultSetPk(String query, String[][] values) throws Exception { t_rs = null; log.debug("[setResultSet:setResultSetPk]["+StringUtil.trimDuplecateSpace(query)+"]", 3); try { if(t_pstmt!=null) { t_pstmt.close(); } /*if(m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")) { t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); t_pstmt.setFetchSize(10); //}else { //}*/ t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query); t_pstmt = setPstmt(t_pstmt, values); t_rs = t_pstmt.executeQuery(); t_column = getColumnInfo(t_rs.getMetaData()); //System.out.println("t_columnt_column"+t_column); /* try { if(m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")) { t_rs.last(); rowCount = t_rs.getRow(); t_rs.beforeFirst(); log.debug("[setResultSet][ Total Row Count : "+rowCount+"]"); } }catch(Exception ex) { }*/ Select select = _config.getSelect(); rList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList rInList = select.getResultMap().getResult(); for(Result _result : rInList) { if(_result.isSql() ) { if(!_result.isMemoryKey()) { WhereArgs wArgs = StringUtil.getSqlArgs(_result.getSql(),t_column,_result.isStatement()); _result.setWargs(wArgs); } } rList.add(_result); if("y".equals(_result.getPrimary())){ primaryKey = _result.getColumn().toLowerCase(); } } String pType = t_column.get(primaryKey); t_column.put("_id", pType); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Query : "+query+"]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Error Code : "+e.getErrorCode()+" ]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQLException "+e.getMessage()+"]"); throw new Exception(": setResultSet SQL Error " +e); } } /** * Set Target Table ResultSet * @param query SQL query string * @throws Exception Error info */ public void setResultSet(String query, String[][] values) throws Exception { t_rs = null; log.debug("[setResultSet]["+StringUtil.trimDuplecateSpace(query)+"]", 3); try { t_pstmt = t_conn.prepareStatement(query); t_pstmt.setFetchSize(10); t_pstmt = setPstmt(t_pstmt, values); t_rs = t_pstmt.executeQuery(); t_column = getColumnInfo(t_rs.getMetaData()); //System.out.println("t_columnt_column"+t_column); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Query : "+query+"]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQL Error Code : "+e.getErrorCode()+" ]"); log.error("[DBJob] [setResultSet SQLException "+e.getMessage()+"]"); throw new Exception(": setResultSet SQL Error " +e); } } /* * DB Crawler 에서 사용하는 데이터 가지고 오는 함수 */ public LinkedHashMap getResultData() { LinkedHashMap resultMap = new LinkedHashMap(); try { ResultSetMetaData meta = t_rs.getMetaData(); int colCount = meta.getColumnCount(); for( int idx = 1 ; idx <= colCount ; idx ++ ) { //String columnType = meta.getColumnTypeName(idx); String columName = meta.getColumnLabel(idx).toLowerCase(); //String columnValue = ""; Object object = t_rs.getObject(idx); if(object == null) { resultMap.put(columName, ""); }else { resultMap.put(columName, object); } if(!"".equals(primaryKey)){ if(primaryKey.equals(columName)) { resultMap.put("_id", object); } } if(idx == 1){ resultMap.put("_id", object); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[Exception]["+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); } return resultMap; //return getResultData(t_rs,primaryKey); } public HashMap getResultData(ResultSet rs,String key) { HashMap resultMap = new HashMap(); try { ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); int colCount = meta.getColumnCount(); for( int idx = 1 ; idx <= colCount ; idx ++ ) { String columnType = meta.getColumnTypeName(idx); String columName = meta.getColumnLabel(idx).toLowerCase(); String columnValue = ""; // oracle 9i 대응용// //System.out.println("m_vender:"+m_vender+"/dbVersion : "+dbVersion); if( "oracle".equalsIgnoreCase(m_vender) && dbVersion == 9) { columnValue = getOracleColumnData(rs,idx,columnType); //if(ArgsInfo.debug) { //System.out.println("Db oracle test cloumn : "+columName+"/"+columnType+"//"+columnValue); //} }else { Object object = rs.getObject(idx); //if(ArgsInfo.debug) { //System.out.println("Db cloumn : "+columName+"/"+columnType+"//"+object); //} if(object != null) { columnValue = getColumnData(object, columnType); } } resultMap.put(columName, columnValue); if(!"".equals(key)){ if(key.equals(columName)) { resultMap.put("_id", columnValue); } }else if(idx == 1){ resultMap.put("_id", columnValue); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[Exception]["+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); } return resultMap; } public HashMap getResultPkData(ResultSet rs) { HashMap resultMap = new HashMap(); try { //ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); //int colCount = meta.getColumnCount(); //for( int idx = 1 ; idx <= colCount ; idx ++ ) { int idx = 1; //String columnType = meta.getColumnTypeName(idx); //String columName = meta.getColumnLabel(idx).toLowerCase(); String columnValue = ""; Object object = rs.getObject(idx); if(object != null) { resultMap.put("_id", object); } //resultMap.put(columName, columnValue); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[Exception]["+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); } return resultMap; } public HashMap getResultPkDateData(ResultSet rs) { HashMap resultMap = new HashMap(); try { //ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); //int colCount = meta.getColumnCount(); //for( int idx = 1 ; idx <= colCount ; idx ++ ) { int idx = 1; //String columnType = meta.getColumnTypeName(idx); //String columName = meta.getColumnLabel(idx).toLowerCase(); String columnValue = ""; Object object = rs.getObject(idx); if(object != null) { columnValue=object.toString(); //resultMap.put("_pk", object); } object = rs.getObject(idx+1); if(object != null) { columnValue+="|"+object.toString(); } //resultMap.put(columName, columnValue); resultMap.put("_id", columnValue); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[Exception]["+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); } return resultMap; } public LinkedHashMap getColumnInfo(ResultSetMetaData meta){ LinkedHashMap colInfo = new LinkedHashMap(); try { int colCnt = meta.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("colCntv"+colCnt); for(int idx = 1 ; idx <= colCnt ; idx ++) { String columName =meta.getColumnLabel(idx).toLowerCase(); String className = meta.getColumnClassName(idx); //Not supported method at symfoware //System.out.println("1:"+columName+"//"+className); className = getClassName(className); //System.out.println("2:"+columName+"//"+className); colInfo.put(columName, className); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return colInfo; } /** * Sql query execute method * @param _conn connection object * @param query sql query string * @param values parameter values * @param isStatement statement or preparestatement * @return success or fail * @throws SQLException error info * @throws Exception error info */ public int executePQuery(Connection _conn, String query, String[][] values, boolean isStatement) throws SQLException{ log.debug("["+query+"]" + isStatement); PreparedStatement pstmt ; Statement stmt ; int ret = -1; if(isStatement){ stmt = _conn.createStatement(); try { query = getStmtQuery(query, values); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } ret = stmt.executeUpdate(query); releaseDB(stmt); }else{ pstmt = _conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setFetchSize(10); if( values != null){ try { pstmt = setPstmt(pstmt, values); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } ret = pstmt.executeUpdate(); releaseDB(pstmt); } return ret; } /** * Sql query execute method * @param _conn connection object * @param query sql query string * @param valueList parameter values * @param isStatement statement or preparestatement * @return success or fail * @throws SQLException error info * @throws Exception error info */ //#2019-05-06 수정작업 진행 (배치 카운드 조정 작업 ) public int executePQueryList(Connection _conn, String query, List valueList, boolean isStatement) throws SQLException{ log.debug("["+query+"]" + isStatement); PreparedStatement _pstmt ; Statement _stmt ; int ret = -1; int excuteCount = 0 ; if(isStatement){ _stmt = _conn.createStatement(); try { for(String[][] values : valueList) { query = getStmtQuery(query, values); _stmt.addBatch(query); excuteCount++; if(excuteCount>500) { _stmt.executeBatch(); _stmt.clearBatch(); excuteCount=0; } } if(excuteCount>0) { _stmt.executeBatch(); _stmt.clearBatch(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } releaseDB(_stmt); }else{ _pstmt = _conn.prepareStatement(query); _pstmt.setFetchSize(10); try { for(String[][] values : valueList) { _pstmt = setPstmt(_pstmt, values); _pstmt.addBatch(); excuteCount++; if(excuteCount>500) { _pstmt.executeBatch(); _pstmt.clearBatch(); excuteCount=0; } } if(excuteCount>0) { _pstmt.executeBatch(); _pstmt.clearBatch(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //ret = pstmt.executeUpdate(); releaseDB(_pstmt); } return ret; } public Connection getConnection() { if(m_vender.equals("mssql")||m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("mariadb")||m_vender.equals("tibero")||m_vender.equals("postgre")) { //if(m_vender.equals("mysql")||m_vender.equals("tibero")) { try { if(l_conn.isClosed()) { l_conn = DBPool.getConnection(dbId); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return l_conn; }else { return t_conn; } } public String getQueryData(String query,String seperator) { Connection conn = getConnection(); Statement _stmt = null; ResultSet _rs = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { _stmt = conn.createStatement(); _rs = _stmt.executeQuery(query); while( { sb.append(_rs.getString(1)).append(seperator); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[Exception "+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"]"); } finally { releaseDB(_rs, _stmt); } return sb.toString(); } public List> getQueryData(String query, String[][] values, String seperator, boolean isStatement) { Connection conn = getConnection(); //return getQueryData(conn, query, values, seperator, isStatement, ""); return null; } /** * classDBName data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public String getCustomDBClassData(String className, String data) { String ret = ""; try { //System.out.println("getCustomDBClassData"+className+"/"+data); Connection _conn = getConnection(); ret = (String)ClassDBNameFactory.getInstance(className).customData(data,_conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomDBClassData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } /** * className data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public String getCustomClassData(String className, String data) { String ret = ""; try { ret = (String)ClassNameFactory.getInstance(className).customData(data); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomClassData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } /** * className data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public Object getCustomObjectClassData(String className, String data) { Object ret = null; try { ret = ClassNameFactory.getInstance(className).customDataObject(data); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomObjectClassData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } /** * classDBName data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public Object getCustomDbObjectClassData(String className, String data) { Object ret = null; try { Connection _conn = getConnection(); ret = ClassDBNameFactory.getInstance(className).customDataObject(data,_conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomDBClassData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } /** * classDBName data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public Object getCustomConfigClassData(String className,String key, String data) { Object ret = ""; try { ret = ClassConfigNameFactory.getInstance(className).customData(key,data,_config); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomConfigClassData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } /** * className data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public List getCustomAterClassData(String className, String data) { List ret = new ArrayList(); try { ret = (List)ClassNameFactory.getInstanceAfter(className).customDataAfter(data); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomAterClassData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } /** * className data return * @param className * @param data * @return */ public String getCustomClassMapData(String className, String data,Map resultMemory) { String ret = ""; try { ret = (String)ClassNameFactory.getInstance(className).customDataMemory(data,resultMemory); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error("[getCustomClassMapData error:" + e.toString() + "]"); } return ret; } public int execPQuery(String query,String[][] pkArr,String dbtag) throws SQLException, Exception { int ret ; if("".equals(dbtag)) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); ret = executePQuery(_conn, query, pkArr, false); } else { Connection subCon = sub_conn.get(dbtag); ret = executePQuery(subCon, query, pkArr, false); } return ret; } public int execPQueryList(String query,List pkList,String dbtag) throws SQLException, Exception { int ret ; if("".equals(dbtag)) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); ret = executePQueryList(_conn, query, pkList, false); } else { Connection subCon = sub_conn.get(dbtag); ret = executePQueryList(subCon, query, pkList, false); } return ret; } public int execPQuery(String query) throws SQLException, Exception { int ret = -1 ; Connection _con = getConnection(); ret = executePQuery(_con, query, null, false); return ret; } /** * bind variable method * @param cstmt PreparedStatement * @param values parameter values * @return PreparedStatement * @throws Exception error info * @throws SQLException error info */ protected ResultSet executeStateQuery(Statement stmt ,String sql, String[][] values) throws Exception { for(int i=0; values != null && i-1) { if(classNm.equals("java.math.bigdecimal")) { ret = "decimal"; }else{ ret = StringUtil.replace(classNm,"java.lang.",""); } break; }else { ret = "string"; } } return ret; } /** * * @param query sql query string * @param values parameter values * @return String statement query string * @throws Exception error info * @throws SQLException error info */ protected String getStmtQuery(String query, String[][] values) throws Exception{ for(int i=0; values != null && i blobToFile(Connection conn, String query, String[][] values, String preFix, boolean isStatement) { String dbFileName = ""; String retFileName = ""; int cnt = 0; ArrayList arList = new ArrayList(); log.debug("["+query+"]"); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { if(isStatement){ stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); }else{ pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setFetchSize(10); pstmt = setPstmt(pstmt, values); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); } ResultSetMetaData Meta = rs.getMetaData(); cnt = Meta.getColumnCount(); if(cnt != 2){ String msg = "BlobToFile Please Check Blob select query\n"; msg += "ex) SELECT filename, blob_content FROM table_name"; throw new Exception(msg); } while( { for(int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) { String className = Meta.getColumnClassName(i).toLowerCase(); if(i == 1 && className.equals("string")){ dbFileName = StringUtil.getTimeBasedUniqueID()+rs.getString(i); } else if( i == 2 ) { log.debug("[DBManager blobToFile...]"); InputStream initialStream = rs.getBinaryStream(i); if(initialStream == null) { log.debug("[Blob data is Empty.]"); } // retFileName = FileUtils.copyToFile( is,new File(preFix,dbFileName)); File targetFile = new File(FilenameUtils.normalize(preFix)+dbFileName); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(initialStream, targetFile); arList.add(targetFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else{ throw new Exception("DBController Class Useing Table Struct : file_name(string), file_content(blob)"); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("[SQL Error Code : "+e.getErrorCode()+" ]"); log.error("[SQLException][ " +"\n"+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); errorDisplay(values); throw new Exception(": Make blobToFile error :" + e.getMessage()); } finally { releaseDB(rs, pstmt); releaseDB(rs, stmt); return arList; } } /** * error parameters * @param values */ public void errorDisplay(String values[][]) { for(int i=0; values != null && i vt = new ArrayList(); if("".equals(dbtag)) { vt = blobToFile(t_conn, query, values, preFix, isStatement); } else { Connection subCon = sub_conn.get(dbtag); vt = blobToFile(subCon, query, values, preFix, isStatement); } String[] list = new String[vt.size()]; for(int i=0; i entry : sub_conn.entrySet() ) { Connection subCon = entry.getValue(); try { if(subCon!=null) { subCon.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } } } } public void releaseClient() { if(doc2serverClientMap!=null) { for ( Map.Entry entry : doc2serverClientMap.entrySet() ) { Doc2TxtClient docClient = entry.getValue(); try { if(docClient!=null) { docClient.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } public String getOracleColumnData(ResultSet rs,int idx,String typeName) { String value = ""; try { if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR2")||typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR")||typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER")) { value = rs.getString(idx); }else if(typeName.equals("clob")||typeName.equals("CLOB")){ Object object = rs.getObject(idx); if(object!=null) { Reader reader = ((Clob)object).getCharacterStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line ; try { while( (line = br.readLine()) != null){ sb.append(line).append(StringUtil.newLine); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("[Get CLOB ColumnData : "+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); }finally{ if(br != null) br.close(); if(reader != null) reader.close(); if(sb != null){ value = sb.toString(); } } } /** }else if(typeName.toLowerCase().indexOf("blob") > -1){ try { InputStream is = ((Blob)object).getBinaryStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; try { while( (line = br.readLine()) != null){ sb.append(line); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }finally{ if(br != null) br.close(); if(is != null) is.close(); if(sb != null){ value = sb.toString(); } } }catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } **/ } else{ log.error("[GetColumnData() [" +idx+"] Unsupported type Name: " + typeName+ " Please Check Field Type in the Table]"); } }catch(Exception ex) { log.error("[GetColumnData() : " +"\n"+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(ex)+"\n]"); } return StringUtil.checkNull( value ); } public String getColumnData(Object object, String typeName) { String value = ""; if(object != null) { String className = object.getClass().getName(); try { //clob -> typeName, mssql -> java.sql.Clob type. if (className.equals("java.lang.String") && (typeName.equals("text")||typeName.equals("ntext")||typeName.equals("TEXT")||typeName.equals("NTEXT")) ) { value = (String) object; }else if(typeName.equals("clob")||typeName.equals("CLOB") ||typeName.equals("text")||typeName.equals("ntext")||typeName.equals("TEXT")||typeName.equals("NTEXT") ||object.getClass().getName().equals("java.sql.Clob") ||object.getClass().getName().equals("oracle.sql.CLOB") ||className.equals("com.tmax.tibero.jdbc.TbBlob") ||className.equals("com.tmax.tibero.jdbc.TbClob")){ Reader reader = ((Clob)object).getCharacterStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line ; try { while( (line = br.readLine()) != null){ sb.append(line).append(StringUtil.newLine); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("[Get CLOB ColumnData : "+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); }finally{ if(br != null) br.close(); if(reader != null) reader.close(); if(sb != null){ value = sb.toString(); } } }else if(typeName.toLowerCase().indexOf("blob") > -1){ try { InputStream is = ((Blob)object).getBinaryStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String line = null; try { while( (line = br.readLine()) != null){ sb.append(line); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }finally{ if(br != null) br.close(); if(is != null) is.close(); if(sb != null){ value = sb.toString(); } } }catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }else if (className.equals("java.lang.String")) { value = (String) object; } else if (className.equals("java.lang.Integer")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.lang.Short")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.lang.Long")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.lang.Double")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.math.BigInteger")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.sql.Timestamp")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (className.equals("java.sql.Date")) { value = object.toString(); //oracle.sql.OPAQUE //}else if (className.equals("oracle.xdb.XMLType")) { // value = ((XMLType)object).getStringVal(); } else if (className.equals("com.sybase.jdbc2.tds.SybTimestamp")) { value = object.toString(); } else if (typeName.equals("RAW")) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; ObjectOutput out = null; try { bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeObject (object); value = new String (bos.toByteArray(), "EUC-KR"); }finally { if(out!=null) out.close(); if(bos!=null) bos.close(); } } else { log.error("[GetColumnData() " +"Unsupported class Name: " + className+ " Please Check Field Type in the Table]"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[GetColumnData() : " +"\n"+StringUtil.StackTraceToString(e)+"\n]"); } } return StringUtil.checkNull( value ); } public Object getValue(String type,String sbColumn) { if("int".equals(type)) { Integer value = 0; try { value = Integer.parseInt(sbColumn); }catch(Exception ex) { value = 0; } return value; }else if("long".equals(type)) { Long value = 0L; try { value = Long.parseLong(sbColumn); }catch(Exception ex) { value = 0L; } //System.out.println(sbColumn.toString()+"//"+value); return value; }else if("float".equals(type)) { float value = 0f; try { value = Float.parseFloat(sbColumn); }catch(Exception ex) { value = 0L; } return value; }else if("double".equals(type)) { double value = 0f; try { value = Double.parseDouble(sbColumn); }catch(Exception ex) { value = 0L; } return value; }else { return sbColumn; } } public int getRowCount() { return rowCount; } }